Rhizome Experiment, Fall 2015

Why do people enjoy RPGs?

    The modern video games have become much more addictive to play than the games of the past. The reason for this falls along similar lines to the reasons behind why people like reading and watching books and movies from the genres of science fiction, fantasy, or just fiction in general. When researching why people like to be immersed in fantasy worlds, scientists discovered that people want to “have a rich experience and [not] die at the end” (world science festival). In books and movies people get to read or watch the life of someone else, get immersed in it, see what would happen if they were to “confront a dangerous man or seduce someone’s spouse, for instance” (world science festival), but they do not have to deal with any of the real consequences. 

    The realm of video games, especially video games that allow users to choose different paths, takes this a step further. Not only does the gamer get to see what would happen to a person in these situations, but they get to live their life. Someone could come hope from a boring day of school or work, sit down at their tv, and become a warrior thousands of years in the past who can take down mighty dragons with just a sword. Or, in some games, they could have the choice to befriend the dragon, or use the dragon as a mount even, depending on what faction they choose to join. Essentially, the user gets to become the character and escape from their life for at least a short period of time. The possibilities in the gaming world are endless and allow users to truly experience the lives of some of the most interesting protagonists without any of the real life consequences such as pain or dying. If they ever tire of the life they are immersed in, they can stop playing, or even switch games where they can enter an entirely different world where they could be a space pilot, a talking fox, a plumber who fights a giant monster, or countless other characters. The possibilities are endless in the gaming world which causes people to get addicted to the fiction, much as they would a book or movie, only ever more so as they can actually become the character they are trying to simulate the life of.

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