Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS C189 Outer Cover

Outer Cover
Text: Sententiae (Sentences)
Author: Isidore of Seville 
Script: late Caroline minuscule 
Description:Condition: Fragile
Isidore of Seville
( c. 560 - 636)
Born: Cartagena, or Seville, Spain
Died: Seville, Spain

Instead of scraping away the text to reveal a blank surface, the scriptorium preserved the text as a protective wrapping. The parchment leaf that forms the outer cover (the recto side of the first of the two folios)  likely comes from a homiliary, dated around the second half of the eleventh century. A homiliary, is a set of short texts and sermons on a moral theme. The cover contains text from  Isidore of Seville's  Sententiae, Book 10.11 "De angelis" (On the Angels.) Isidore of Seville’s Sententiae was popular and there are many copies from the Middle Ages. MS C54 is another manuscript at the Spencer Research Library that contains the Sententiae

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