Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS C189 Text 2

Text 2:
ff. 19r-27r

Author: Aristotle (as translated by Boethius)
Title: Perihermenias (also known as De Interpretation)
Language: Latin
Notes: Contains Bks. 1-2

(384 BCE - 322 BCE),
Born: Stagira, Chalcidice, Greece
Died: Chalcis, Euboea

Aristotle was born in 384 BCE and he lived on the Chalcidic peninsula of Macedonia, in northern Greece. He moved to Athens in 367 and joined the Academy of Plato, where he stayed for 20 years as Plato’s pupil and colleague. Aristotle wrote on a range of disciplines, from philosophy, rhetoric and ethics through aesthetics, botany and zoology, and into fields such as  political science and metaphysics.

The set of doctrines in the Categories, provides the framework for Aristotle’s philosophical questions.
Aristotle frames his categories through 10 different lenses:
  1. Substance
  2. Quality
  3. Quantity
  4. Relative
  5. Place
  6. Time
  7. Position
  8. Having
  9. Acting Upon 
  10. Being Affected

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