Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library

MS C189 Text 3

Text 3:
ff. 27r-34r
Title: Liber Sex Principiorum,  De sex principiis
Language: Latin
Author: Gilbert de la Porree, 
Gilbert de la Porree
(c. 1080-1154)
Born: Poiters, France
Died: ?

"Liber Sex Principiorum"
Gilbert de la Porree was a Biblical commentator and theologian. Born c. 1080 in Poitiers, he was appointed as the Bishop of Poitiers in 1142. Returning later to Chartres, he taught philosophy and the arts, and he was the chancellor of the school

He lived and taught during a time when philosophical principles, methods, and doctrines of rational research were extended to theological study. In "Liber Sex Principiorum" he breaks down Aristotle’s remaining six categories.  Liber Sex Principiorum” was taught amongst "Isagoge" and the "Categories" in the middle ages.

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