Rebooting Electronic Literature Volume 3: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

A Worldwide Reading at ELO 2020


The recorded video from the live, global reading of afternoon, a story, an event entitled "An Afternoon with afternoon," will be located on this page. The event, which took place on Wednesday, July 15 at 10 AM PDT | 1 PM EDT | GMT +2 in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Michael Joyce's hypertext novel, afternoon: a story, was hosted by the Electronic Literature Lab at Washington State University Vancouver during the ACM Hypertext ’20 and ELO 2020 virtual conferences.

The video will feature 10 scholars and artists performing for a 5-minute session and the Q&A with Michael Joyce, moderated by Dene Grigar, the event’s organizer and curator. Stories and thoughts the novel and author that were shared in the Chat will be collected and contained as a link to this page.

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