Rebooting Electronic Literature Volume 3: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital MediaMain MenuIntroduction to Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 3Documentation of pre-web works of electronic literature from the library of the Electronic Literature LabMichael Joyce's "afternoon, a story"Documentation of Michael Joyce's "afternoon, a story"M. D. Coverley's "Califia"Documentation of M. D. Coverley's "Califia"Stuart Moulthrop's "Victory Garden"The chapter on Stuart Moulthrop's "Victory Garden"Megan Heyward's "of day, of night"Documentation of Megan Heyward's "of day, of night"Mark Bernstein's "Those Trojan Girls"Documentation of Mark Bernstein's "Those Trojan Girls"Authors' and Contributors' BiosThe bios of those who authored and produced Rebooting Electronic LiteratureDene Grigarae403ae38ea2a2cccdec0313e11579da14c92f28Nouspace Publications | Washington State University Vancouver
Image of the Road Map in Mark Bernstein's Those Trojan Girls
1media/ttg-roadmap_thumb.jpg2020-07-31T16:50:55-07:00Dene Grigarae403ae38ea2a2cccdec0313e11579da14c92f28361871A screen shot of the road map in Mark Bernstein's Those Trojan Girlsplain2020-07-31T16:50:55-07:00Dene Grigarae403ae38ea2a2cccdec0313e11579da14c92f28
The resources below provide an excellent starting point for scholars to gain a deeper understanding of Those Trojan Girls and the Storyspace platform on which it is built.