Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital MediaMain MenuIntroduction to Rebooting Electronic LiteratureDocumentation of pre-web works of electronic literature from the library of the Electronic Literature LabKathryn Cramer's "In Small & Large Pieces"Documentation of Kathryn Cramer's In Small & Large PiecesDeena Larsen's "Samplers"Documentation of Deena Larsen's hypertext essay "Samplers"Richard Holeton's "Figurski at Findhorn on Acid"Biography of Richard HoletonTim McLaughlin's "Notes Toward Absolute Zero"Documentation of Tim McLaughlin's "Notes Toward Absolute Zero"Stephanie Strickland's "True North"Documentation of Stephanie Strickland's hypertext "True North"Authors' and Contributors' BiosThe bios of those who authored and produced Rebooting Electronic LiteratureDene Grigarae403ae38ea2a2cccdec0313e11579da14c92f28Nouspace Publications | Washington State University Vancouver
This is a user page for Holly Slocum, but it hasn't been created yet.