The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Map 5.2 : Textual Imaginings

English Letter of Prester John (1520)

Letters of Diogo Lopes de Sequeira

Pope Leo X's Letter to King Manuel I of Portugal (1521)

A True Relation of the Lands of Prester John of the Indies (1526-1540)

The Embassy of the great Emperor of the Indians, Prester John, to Manuel, King of Portugal, in the year 1513 (1532)

The Christian Empire of Prester John (1532)

Embassy of David, King of Ethiopia, to the Most Holy Pope Our lord Clement VII (1533)*

The Voyage of Don Stefano da Gama from Goa to Suez  (1540)

Faith, Religion, and Manners of the Ethiopians* (1540)

Cosmographia (1544)*

Christmas Masque of Prester John (1547)

Description of Africa (1550)*

Image of Both Churches (b. 1552)

Decades of Asia (1552-1563)*

Fardle of Facions

Lendas da Índia (b. 1563)

Treatise on the Emperor of Ethiopia, Vulgarly Called Prester John (1565)*

Mercator World Map (1569) 

The Garden of Curious Flowers (1570)*

The Perergon (1573-98)

Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy González de Clavijo to the Court of Timour at Samarcand 1403-6 (Published in 1582)

De Emendatione Temporum* (1583)

Principall Navigations (1589)

Trauailes of Edward Webbe (1590)

Report on the Kingdom of the Congo (1591)

Voyage of Linschoten to the East Indies (1596-98)

Tamburlaine (1598-1599)

Geography, or Description of the Whole Worlde (1599)

Much Ado About Nothing (1599)

Don Quixote (1605)*

The Travels of Benedict Goes (1605)
Prester John's Empire (1606)

Tom a Lincoln (c. 1607)

Relations of Guerreiro

Historia Ecclesiastica

Purchas His Pilgrimes (1613)

Of Abyssinian Matters (1615)

Letters between John Ainsworth and Henry Ainsworth (1615)

Enquiries Touching the Diversity of Languages and Religions Through the Chief Parts of the World (1614)*

The History of High Ethiopia or Abassia (1628-1646)

The Cretan Labyrinth

The Antipodes (1640)*

The Legend of Captaine Jones, Continued (1648)*

New, Plaine, & Exact Mapp of Africa (1652)


The Travel of the Jesuits in Ethiopia

Paradise Lost (1667)*

China Illustrata (1667)*

A Short Relation of the River Nile (1669)*

Embassy from the East-India Company (1673)*

History of Ethiopia (1681)

The Life of St. Ignatius (1686)*

Travels into Diverse Parts of Europe and Asia

A Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages (1693)*

The Jacobite Conventicle (1693)*

The Antient and Present State of Muscovy (1698)*

The Wanderer or route to the kingdom of Opponia (??)

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