The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Richard of San Germano's Chronica

Acccording to Brewer (p. 277), this chronicle contains a "notice that the then King of Hungary (Andrew II) sent word to the Pope (Honorius III) informing him of the conquests of Chingis Khan in Russia, but styling him 'rex Dauit, qui presbiter lohannes dicebarur in uulgari ' [King David, who is called Prester John in the common tongue]. Richard also noted that 'Septem anni errant quod de India exiuerat, corpus afferens beati Thome apostoli, et uno die de Ruteis et Plautis occiderant ducenta milia' . [They have journeyed for seven years since they left India, carrying with them the body of blessed Thomas the Apostle, and in one day they killed 200,000 Russians and Cumans]."

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