12016-06-27T06:02:54-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714101231plain2243742016-06-27T06:02:54-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714Ethnomethodology is an approach to social science research that can be applied specifically to creative practice research, described in 1967 by Harold Garfinkel's Studies in Ethnomethodology. Social scientists practice ethnomethodology when observing people's everyday activities, in order to use those activities as recordable and reportable data that can then be interpreted to gain insight about how people carry out those activities, to establish what people know about their environment and/or the activity within that environment, to evaluate activity models, and to evaluate how people use their knowledge and experience to make decisions or take action. All of these areas are relevant to creative practice research, which is usually conducted in order to study the act of creativity, the cognitive engagement of the practitioner at work, and/or effects of various experimental approaches on these elements.
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12016-06-27T06:02:57-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714Practice-Based Research MethodsLyle Skains1Research methods relevant for practice-based research projectsplain2244222016-06-27T06:02:57-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714
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12016-06-27T06:02:54-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714What is auto-ethnomethodology?1plain2016-06-27T06:02:54-07:00Lyle Skains8ec9a01530aed114a2d78c359a32a6560b8c2714