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Chapter 12
Indie Media and Postmodern Approaches to the Market
The postmodern approach to the market in the eyes of the media is fast growing in today’s society. The media has a large influence over much of society today and is used as a tool for social change. Postmodern eliminates the idea that any media product or text is of greater value than another. The media is used in many ways for the benefits but also drawbacks. The media is sometimes to heavy and adds to the culture and fame weather it is good or bad. The media has influenced society in some negatives lights some of them being the time children spend online rather than participating in physical activities, the type of foods people eat based on the commercials that they are watching.
The distinction between media has collapsed in more ways than one. Indie filmmakers are missing out on social media. As a solo filmmaker you have many social media aspects that are beneficial to you and your business. Although these things such as high-resolution photography, professional level videos and original scripts are sometimes never even used. A few ways that the media could be useful to people who do not practice its ways regularly are as follows. Defining your target audience, this will help influence which strategies you will use on how to attract consumers. Implementing an analysis each month will also help future research as well as seeing the progress that was made throughout your career. The main idea of this is to focus on your strengths and use the media as an informative too that is available to everyone.
The media can be used in many different ways by all different types of people. Younger people mostly use the media for connecting with friends but also sometimes posting unflattering pictures that get them in lots of trouble. While the older generations who are now into social media have used it as a way to connect with friends and show other who they may not have seen in a while what they are up to with their lives. It is interesting to note that the older part of society uses the networks to express themselves while the younger generation uses it to meet new people they do not know as well as making their plans for their big nights out.
Although the media is also a useful tool in many ways some are now in a media fatigue. Not for many, most people of our generation have grown up with the media in their backyard, literally. Some of us have been in contact with televisions, radio, internet and anything else since we have been little. All of these items of media contribute to how we use it today. Thinking about it from a historical perspective, the “media” and such was not always around. It is something many people take for granted today, the access that everyone has to all the information weather it is on television or the internet.
Overall there are many benefits but also risks to the use of media in the filmmaking industry and in general. Being able to have the ability to use media in the business has brought a new light to advertising and marketing. Many today could say that the media is a bad tool used by others in the wrong ways but on the flip side there are many people and businesses out there who use it properly and benefit from its use.
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