"You are a Toaster": An Analysis on the Categorization of The Human

Interpretation and Worlds of the Text

Paul Ricoeru's work The Conflict of Interpretation describes interpretation of texts in three distinct stages:
  1. The World Behind the Text
    • Historical Background
  2. The World Within the Text
  3. The World in Front of the Text
    • The Consumers Needs

The cyborg, or post-human exists within the world within the text, as in Battlestar Galactica, and the world in front of the text, as in the Mormon Transhumanist Association. Both sets of data create their own construction of "the human" by means of signifing different concepts and attributing meaning in different ways; making the cyborg exist in the Trans of Between.

But how do Battlestar Galactica and the Mormon Transhumanist Association construct "the human"?


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