"You are a Toaster": An Analysis on the Categorization of The Human

Mormon Transhumanist Association

It is the largest transhumanist association in the United States.

Transhumanism intersects with posthumanism in a few ways, like understanding the impact of advancing technology on the human condition, however scholars like Stefan Herbrechter argue that transhumanism is the "pop culture" rendition of posthumanism.

“The Mormon Transhumanist Association is the world’s largest advocacy network for ethical use of technology and religion to expand human abilities, as outlined in the Transhumanist Declaration and the Mormon Transhumanist Affirmation.”

As Transhumanists, they believe that technology is the best way to advance mankind and advocate for extensive research into technologies to expand human experience. As Mormons, they believe these advancements in technology are the tools to achieve theosis through exaltation.

Exaltation is a theological principal that is “The highest state of happiness and glory”[1] to achieve in the Mormon Afterlife according to Mormon doctrine. Apart of the happiness and glory achieved, persons who are seen as the most exemplary and have completed all of the required ordinances; baptism, confirmation, endowment, celestial marriage, and sealing, will be awarded by becoming Gods of their own worlds.

Through exaultation, people become more human by becoming like God.

[1] “Exaltation.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Accessed November 29, 2022. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/gs/exaltation?lang=eng.

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