12023-09-26T12:01:46-07:00Janelle Zettyc683dcfaab75f20cf960ec4bd7d610f77219f619432276Oakbluff Plantation, Centerville, 1968.plain2023-09-29T09:53:58-07:00Janelle Zettyc683dcfaab75f20cf960ec4bd7d610f77219f619Bocage-on-the-Teche, formerly known as Oakbluff Plantation, was built about 1846 by David Bell. On January 27, 1968, the home was transported several miles down the bayou by barge from a site near the Battle of Irish Bend to the "Old Haley Place" in Centerville. The house features a Greek Revival architectural design. The pictures appear to be reproductions made by Ory Miguez for Mrs. Fairfax Foster Bailey, who was the owner of the property in 1980. The house is situated at 9600 Highway 182.