Non-Traditional Narrative Structure


The first thing the reader, or viewer, experiences is the music. This music immediately sets the tone and pace for the narration to come. The best way to describe the music is as chill, suave background with a fast beat. While this is not particularly unsettling it is the shrill, siren-esque noises that sounds in place of narration of the words that appear on the screen. This immediately sets a frantic pace and tone--the reader is having words flash across the screen with shrieks replacing oration of the narrative. 

Another notable choice of the author is the text itself. It is all in capital letters with countless exclamation marks (close to an exclamation mark every other sentence). This changes the way the reader's conscience reads the narrative. Instead of reading, their conscience is SHOUTING! Especially from the beginning, this choices of style sets the reader on edge and exposes them to the author's strong feelings, however, they must keep reading to discover what the narrator is so passionate about. 

Overall the style and sound instantly connects the reader with the author's strong feelings, which often comes off as anger or aggression, and incites the reader to do something.  Originally the reader doesn't know what they feel the urge to do, instead they are trying to understand what the author wants from the reader. For instance, the words "THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES! ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!" and later "WE JUST HAVE TO DEMAND IT!" are screamed at the reader by none other than their own conscience. Not only is this directed at the reader alone, it makes them want to stand up and fight for their freedom or love someone and everyone or get up and do something because after all that is what their conscience is screaming at them to do.

-Gabrielle McBroom

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