Non-Traditional Narrative Structure


If you think about it, YHCHI really used the readers' own conscience to persuade them to take action and pursue love. The nontraditional format of this poem in video form set to music helped to portray the narratives' sense of urgency and passion about love and equality. If this poem was written plainly, without the use of all capitalization and frantic music, the tone would not be as obvious to the reader. Not to mention, the music and frame changes determine the speed and pace at which the poem must be read--if it is not read at this speed, it loses the emphatic and nonsensical qualities associated with the increasingly sexual dialogue. According to Washington University, "...the marxist political discourse and sexual liberation seem equally lunatic". The best way YHCHI conveyed this "equally lunatic" feeling is through the nontraditional narrative structure. It is safe to say the meaning of this work would be weak or even completely lost if not for the style used by YHCHI. 

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