Non-Traditional Narrative Structure


"THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES!" is a poem by Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries (YHCHI). What makes this piece stand out from other poems and literature alike is the nontraditional narrative structure--the poem is shown by flashing across the screen (in single words and sentences alike) in synchronization to music. YHCHI uses this method to make the reader feel angry and do whatever they want to do. Though it is a poem, it is a narrative as well. According to Labov, a narrative contains an abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation, result, and coda. Because this poem contains all of these aspects (I could go into a whole other essay on how it does, please trust me on this), it also classifies as a narrative. This is important because now the piece can be interpreted and analyzed as a narrative. 

As the title suggests, "THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES!" talks about the struggles society faces, more so geared toward that of love and equality. YHCHI frequently expresses how love should be had for all that deserve it (we will get to this "deserve it" part a little later) and demands the reader rise up from the injustice and oppression forced on them. Ironically enough, love is the only explicit pursuit the author encourages the reader to engage in. Everything else is open to the reader's understanding and encourages them to be active in the way they interpret the poem. 

-Gabrielle McBroom


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