Meal Plans at CWRU

Why is the Meal Plan too Expensive?

The meal plan offered by Bon Appetit and Case Western Reserve University claims to satisfy the majority of the student population at CWRU. The Dining Services website for CWRU promotes the dining services and option on campus. However, the problem with the current price for the dining services provided through the meal plans is too expensive for the options provided for that price. The employees of Bon Appetit are not providing inadequate service, it is the functionality of the meal plan itself.  So far there are approximately two aspects of the meal plan that are directly related to the current price of the meal plan being too expensive. 

  1. Required Meal Plan for Students
  2. Wasted/Nonrefundable Meal Swipes 
These 2 components together make the meal plan a bit too expensive for the current price of each meal swipe. Minor changes in the functionality of the meal plan could make it much more cost efficient for the students at CWRU. There could be a few potential solutions that will be covered later on. Next is a look into these aspects that cause the expense of the meal plan.

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