Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Salvador Dali Dream Sequence from Spellbound (1945)

This video depicts the dream sequence scene from Alfred Hitchcock's psychological mystery thriller film noir Spellbound. Designed by Salvador Dalí, this dream sequence is filled with psychoanalytical symbols and abstract images. I chose this object because Spellbound is one of the first American films to use psychoanalysis and surrealism as a major element of the story. Hitchcock's decision to incorporate Surrealism into Spellbound was influenced by the aftermath of WWII where many families were suffering from PTSD and were seeking psychological treatment. In the context of film, the use of Surrealism was to unlock the unconscious mind of a character to divulge the details of a murder. As exemplified in Spellbound and relating to the origins of Surrealism, Surrealist cinema employs juxtapositions and shocking imagery in hopes to reveal the contradictions of reality and spur on revolution.

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