Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Mama, Papa is Wounded!

This surrealist landscape, Mama, Papa is Wounded!, is a 1927 oil-on-canvas painting by French surrealist painter, Yves Tanguy. He was inspired by Sigmund Freyd’s psychoanalysis and incorporated several abstract/archetypal symbols. In postwar Europe, Tanguy and surrealist artist André Breton conducted research on war veterans’ psychological states and transformed their PTSD into artwork. The grayish-violet light in the painting evokes a post-apocalyptic desert that resembles anxiety and loneliness. A cactus-like figure is tethered on the horizon and many little objects such as the bean, yellow-ish object, and shaggy stalk stand on the plain helplessly. Like many other surrealist artists, Tanguy leaves his work intentionally enigmatic, allowing the audience to reflect on the painting and create their own interpretations.

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