Museum of Resistance and Resilience


Stemming from the general discontent of society, QueerCore, a subculture of punk rock, began as a retaliation to the oppositional forces against them. They were ostracized from the queer community for being punk, and from the straight community for being queer (Hsu, 1991). The images below are part of a magazine that arguably paved the way for this social movement, commonly referred to as a “queerzine” and formally titled “J.D.’s zine.” Though this magazine’s vulgarity may come off as striking, it is a testament to self-expression of the members within this subculture and to their definition of what it means to be queer. Particularly, many magazine focused on the refusal of “heterosexuality and the dominant models of lesbian and gay identities” (Plessis and Chapman, 1997).

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