Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

[Publication of "To the Person Sitting in Darkness"] | 18 April 1901

Süd=Dakota Nachrichten und Herold. (Sioux Falls, Süd=Dakota), 18 April 1901. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Mark Twain, der berühmte am[e]rikanische Schriftsteller, hat in dem „North American Review" einen höchst interessanten Artikel unter dem Titel „To the Person sitting in Darkneß" publizirt, der gegen den Imperialismus gerichtet ist. Jedermann, gleichviel was seine Ansichten über diesen Gegenstand sind, sollte den Artikel lesen. Die „Anti-Imperialistic-League" von New York hat den Artikel in der Form einer kleinen Broschüre veröffentlicht und schickt dieselbe frei an Jedermann, der Postgeld ein schickt. Man adressire: Edward W. Ordway, Secretary, 150 Nassau Street, Room 1520, New York.Mark Twain, the famous American writer, has published a most interesting article in the "North American Review" under the title "To the Person Sitting in Darkness," which is directed against imperialism. Everyone, whatever their views on this subject might be, should read the article. The "Anti-Imperialist League" of New York has published the article in the form of a small pamphlet and will mail it for free to anyone who sends in the required postage. Address requests to: Edward W. Ordway, Secretary, 150 Nassau Street, Room 1520, New York.

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