Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Intra-action between the poetic persona and the fly

Previously, I have read the relationship between the poetic persona and the fly in Poem 591 as an interaction – two beings relating to each other on their own terms. A fly and a human. However, by considering these two beings as entangled with each other in a moment of death, I now see the possibility of the anthropomorphic fly. What of the fly that hears a human breathe their last breaths? In Poem 591, we may empathise with two beings experiencing a morbid yet natural part of life – death. There is a common myth that in death, animals wish to be alone. The fly does not allow this for the poetic persona. In death, the poetic persona reveals to us an intra-connection, and the fly provides solidarity for its fading human companion.

– Siobhan Seeneevassen

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