Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water

Long-form news articles on Canada

Intercontinental Cry | Canadian Mining Companies

Ismi, Asad. 2009. “Path of Destruction: Canadian mining companies on rampage around the world.” Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, February 1.

Klein, Naomi. 2013. “Dancing the World into Being: A Conversation with Idle No More’s Leanne Simpson.” Yes Magazine, March 6.

Lukacs, Martin. 2020. “The Long Road to This Winter of Protests.” The Tyee, March 27.

Lukehart, Elizabeth. 2020. “Of Moose and Men.” Medium, May 9.

Marshall, Judith. 2019. “Tailings dam collapses in the Americas: Lessons learned?” Policy Note, August 8.

N.A. 2009. “Roundtable: The Six Nations Land Reclamation.” Upping the Anti 3, Oct. 26.

Nikiforuk, Andrew. 2019. “From the Archives: When Indigenous Assert Rights, Canada Sends Militarized Police.” The Tyee, January 17.

Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake. 2020. “Indigenous Blockades Don’t Just Decry Destruction—They Affirm Life.” Truthout, February 27.

Spice, Anne. 2018. “Processing Settler Toxicities: Part I.” Footnotes, June 16.

Trapper, Lillian. 2019. “Creating a Procedural Framework for Restitution between an Indigenous Family and Gold Mining Company in Northeastern Ontario.” Master of Arts, Royal Roads University. British Columbia.

Warrior Publications. Ongoing.

Webber, Jeffery R. and Todd Gordon. 2016. “Canada’s Hemisphere.” Jacobin, December 29.

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