The Communist Manifesto: ENGL 300 - Scalar Project

Page 7

            Marx supported the proletariat because they were being treated unfairly and oppressed. The system was one that tried very hard to make sure the poor stayed poor and rich continued to get richer. So, Marxists view capitalist society as being based on a system that encourages inequality, because the rich will always need someone to do the work they do not want to do (Joseph, 2006). It is a never-ending battle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.             However, Marx also suggested that at some point, the working class would realize that they had the power to change things through education and personal development (Joseph, 2006). Some members of the proletariat would begin to understand the system better and devise ways of changing it. Marx believed that such radical change could only come about through revolution when the workers rise above and overthrow those who were treating them unfairly (Marx et al., 1992). In place of capitalism, a system would be established in which all people were treated equally and all the factories and businesses were owned communally. Marx called this system communism.   

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