12017-04-25T17:16:01-07:00Alex Waibel336556e5330130cc29454c958f6a6dde43796ddd163668plain2017-04-25T19:55:54-07:00Alex Waibel336556e5330130cc29454c958f6a6dde43796ddd Marx was not a well-regarded or popular intellectual in his day. However, just a few decades later, his writings became the keystone for the Russian Revolution and some of the most important ideological movements of the 20th century. He had no idea how to fix the problem of capitalism but instead laid the foundation for future critiques and improvements to the system. Marx did, however, create an idea of what a better society and community could look like if we were all willing to be better citizens. In conclusion, the manifesto as a genre has been a source of inspiration for many throughout history. A manifestos main purpose has always been to facilitate change. Karl Marx's "The Communist Manifesto" is but one of hundreds of influential manifesto that have changed society dramatically. In the end, the manifesto will remain an important genre of writing and rhetoric for many centuries to come.
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1media/426.jpgmedia/426.jpg2017-03-21T15:21:12-07:00Alex Waibel336556e5330130cc29454c958f6a6dde43796dddTable of ContentsAlex Waibel16plain2017-04-25T18:49:50-07:00Alex Waibel336556e5330130cc29454c958f6a6dde43796ddd