The Communist Manifesto: ENGL 300 - Scalar Project

Introduction - Page 1

            In practice, Marx’s political and economic ideas have been used to design disastrously planned economies and dictatorships. However, we should not reject Marx, instead, we should view him as a guide whose diagnosis of capitalism's problems helps us to navigate towards a more promising future. Capitalism is going to have to be reformed and Marx’s analyses are going to be part of any solution. The purpose of this scalar project is to examine the manifesto as a genre and then to examine “The Communist Manifesto” and how it relates to societies and political systems today. I will begin with a brief definition and introduction of what a manifesto consists of. Next, I will explain who Karl Marx was and why he wrote his manifesto. Then, I will summarize and analyze his manifesto. Lastly, I will consider how and why "The Communist Manifesto" has influenced and affected capitalism.

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