Makoko 2035: An Encyclopedia

Area Boys

“Area boys” is a group of unemployed young people (mostly male) in Makoko, offers their own form of policing. It is part neighborhood watch, part protection racket. The area boys are effectively gangs recruited from the legions of unemployed young men who contest parts of the city, controlling "everything" from bridges to drugs.

In past times, before Makoko departed from Lagos, the area boys used to be muscle for politicians. They earned money during Nigeria’s election seasons when politicians pay them to make sure that people vote for the right candidate. Meanwhile, paradoxically,
 they provided protection for Makoko residences away from government's violent demolitions.  

Outsiders visiting Makoko are expected to offer some tribute to the area boys. In this sense, area boys play the roles of police, customs.

There are several groups of area boys taking charge of the different neighborhood. "The Chairman" conceal his identity. Only a few senior group leaders know who he is. Cordelia is one of them, the only female leader in area boys.



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