Assignment: Reading Response + Survey Outreach Plan [due 10/27]
PART 1: LAB ACTIVITY - Survey Outreach Worksheet [complete on your own]
- [1a] - Use the Survey Outreach Worksheet handed out in class Monday 10/21 to develop a communication strategy for your survey. Now you are in a position to reach out to a network that will distribute your survey and facilitate with your data collection, woohoo! We will let you know when OPRS approves the research proposal. Then you will be able to start distributing. In the meantime, complete the Outreach Worksheet to start brainstorming a plan. Attach your completed form as a Word Document or PDF to your Assignment Submission Email [due 10/20].
- [1b] - Write one to two paragraphs summarizing your plan.
- Read and review the below assigned readings on ACES & Innovating Extension this week:
- "National Research Council. “U.S. Agriculture Yesterday and Today: The Colleges’ Changed Environment.” In Colleges of Agriculture at the Land Grant Universities: A Profile, 18–33. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1995.
- Rasmussen, Wayne D. “Cooperative Extension: Taking the University to the People.” In Taking the University to the People: Seventy-Five Years of Cooperative Extension, 3–15. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1989.
- U. of Illinois Extension. “Extending Knowledge, Changing Lives.” Extension State Report. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017.
- Consider Wayne Rasmussen's description of The Cooperative Extension System as a "unique achievement in American education" (Rasmussen, 1989, 3). Using the 3 assigned readings, select/list at least 5 different applications or design features of ACES & Extension that evidence how it does or does not successfully bring "the rewards of higher education into the lives of all segments of our extraordinarily diverse population" (ibid).
- Consider how the readings frame extension's role in "democratized learning" innovations. What differences do you infer between Extension and other efforts to diversify and broaden opportunities for education? Aim to mention 2 or 3 factors/features.