Virginia Lucas Poetry Scrapbook

"Twilight" by Fitzgreen Halleck

Transcription of the Poem


There is an evening twilight of the heart,        
When its wild passion-waves are lull’d
          to rest  
And the eye sees life’s fairy scenes depart,      
As fades the daybeam in the rosy west.          
Tis with a nameless feeling of regret   
We gaze upon them as they melt away
And fondly would we bid them linger yet,      
But Hope is round us with her angel lay,         
Waiting after some happier moonlight hour,   
Dear are her whispers still, though lost
          their early power.        
In youth the cheek was crimsoned with
           her glow         
Her smile was loveliest then, her matin
Was heaven’s own music, & the note of wo    
Was all unheard her sunny bowers

Life’s little world of bliss was newly born       
We knew not, cared not, it was born to die.     
Flush’d with the cool breeze and the dews of morn     
With dancing heart we gazed on the pure sky 
And mocked the passing clouds that dimm’d its
Like our own sorrows then as fleeting & as few          

And manhood felt her sway too—on the eye  
Half realized her early dreams burst bright,     
Her promised bower of happiness seem’d nigh,          
Its days of joy, its vigils of delight,     
And tho’ at times might lower the thunderstorms        
And the red lightnings threaten; still the air     
Was balmy with her breath, and her lov’d form          
The rainbow of the heart was hov'ring there  
’Tis in life’s noontide she is nearest seen         
Her wreath the summer flower her robe the
           summer green.
But tho’ less dazzling in her twilight dress       
There’s more of Heaven’s pure beam about her
That angel smile of tranquil loveliness
Which the heart worships glowing on her brow         
That smile shall brighten the dim evening
That points our destined tomb, nor e’er
‘Till the faint light of life is fled afar,  
And hush’d the last deep beating of
           the heart;         
The meteor-bearer of our parting
A moonbeam in the midnight
           cloud of death.

               Fitzgreen Halleck.

Information About this Poem

Biography of Fitz-Greene Halleck

Formal Elements of the Poem

Explication of the Poem

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