LSU Historical Walking Tour

Struggles of International Students of Color entering LSU

While international students attended LSU starting in the late 19th century, it seemed that these international students could not have been people of color (or those considered at the time to be people of color). There was pushback from the head of the Audubon Sugar School, Dr. Stubbs, to admit anyone resembling people of color. In addition, President Thomas D. Boyd demonstrated unease in admitting people of color to LSU and its sugar school. There were instances of Japanese students entering the Sugar School but they were not considered people of color. Stubbs details his excitement in welcoming the student from Japan. He states, “I will take great pleasure, as soon as he reports to me, in giving him a thorough examination, and if the work here is suitable to his taste, I will immediately put him to work here, or send him to Baton Rouge.”[1]

Ironically, in the same letter, Dr. Stubbs demonstrated his adherence to the Jim Crow laws by prohibiting a Barbadian “colored” student from entering the Audubon Sugar School. In a letter from Barbadian professor J.P. d’Albuquerque to Dr. Stubbs in 1900, he revealed his wish for one of his students, who was a student of color, to attend LSU’s Audubon Sugar School because of its great reputation.[2] In a letter from Dr. Stubbs to President Boyd, he stated, “…under the laws of our State, separate schools are provided for the races, and that his friend could not be admitted [to LSU].”[3]

However, his harsh feelings towards students of color was unfortunately revealed in a letter written by Dr. Stubbs to President Boyd about a student from Puerto Rico, E.R. (or S.R.) Nadal. Stubbs stated, “Mr. E.R. Nadal was a very inefficient student and negligent of his duties while here. We were under the impression that he was with you at Baton Rouge. He did little or nothing while here. He is rather dark, off-colored. It is my belief that a great many of these have mixed blood, but they pass for white, and as long as they do so, we of course cannot draw the line on them in this country.”[4]

While Stubbs was explicit in his disdain for perceived students of color, President Boyd was more muted in his rejection of “colored students”. A letter sent to Governor Blanchard in 1905 (but then redirected to President Boyd) inquired about four Indian students from Bengal entering LSU to study agriculture.[5] Boyd replied, “In reply, I regret to have to inform you that I do not deem it advisable for Indian students to apply for admission to this {unreadable} University at this time. Race prejudice is very strong among the young people of this part of the United States; and while possibly this feeling might not be manifested against these students, if it should be the consequence would be so disagreeable to them that they could not stay here.”[6]

[1] Stubbs, William C. “Letter from Director Stubbs to President Thomas Boyd,” November 5, 1900. Box 8, Folder 140. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[2] d’Albuquerque, J.P. “Letter from Professor d’Albuquerque to Professor Stubbs,” October 17, 1900. Box 8, Folder 139. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[3] Stubbs, William C. “Letter from Director Stubbs to President Thomas Boyd,” November 5, 1900. Box 8, Folder 140. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[4] Stubbs, William C. “Letter from Director Stubbs to President Thomas Boyd,” January 21, 1904. Box 11, Folder 181. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[5] Maddox, S.L. “Letter from S.L. Maddox to Gov. Blanchard,” February 1905. Box 12, Folder 198. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[6] Maddox, S.L. “Letter from S.L. Maddox to Gov. Blanchard,” February 1905. Box 12, Folder 198. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.

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