LSU Historical Walking Tour

Eventual Breakthrough of Students of Color entering LSU

The attitudes of university officials towards students of color were of reluctance in admitting them, but as LSU progressed into the 20th century, there seemed to be cracks into the prejudiced attitudes of university administration towards potential students who were of color. While the first American student of color was not admitted until 1954 [1] (the case of A.P. Tureaud, Jr.), there were international students of color who successfully entered LSU through the Audubon Sugar School and the School of Agriculture. One of the first instances of a student who was considered a person of color entering LSU was in 1915. He was Jose Tiglao, a student from the Philippine Islands.[2] In a letter from LSU’s Registrar to A.T. Ruan from the Bureau of Insular Affairs, the registrar demonstrated opposition to Tiglao’s intention to sleep in the white-only barracks. He stated, “I want to tell you at this time that Mr. Tiglao’s rooming at the University is contrary to my advice. He is very dark, and there has always been a strong feeling among our students against admission of students who might possibly have negro blood in them. Some students in the past have had unpleasant experiences here in this connection, although they were not negroes.”[3]

Mr. Tiglao would be joined by other students of color, especially Chinese students, in his sugar school class.[4]

 It is interesting that there are no recorded instances of opposition from university officials towards Chinese students entering the sugar school, much like their Japanese counterparts. It seems as if one, at the time, would only be considered a person of color if their complexion was of a darker tone.

This is supported by the case of a prospective student, Mr. P. Pumshotham Hayrambla.[5] He was another example of a student where skin color played a role, with Hayrambla hailing from India. The Registrar of LSU, in a letter from February 17, 1917, advised Hayrambla that while he would be accepted, he should know that there is an “existing feeling against persons of dark complexion,” although he noted that LSU admitted several darker-toned students from the Philippine Islands, most likely referencing the case of Jose Tiglao two years earlier.[6]

There is historical significance in international students of color being accepted into LSU because it served as a striking reminder that the history of race in this country was not simply black and white. While much attention is given to the remarkable accomplishments of American people of color in LSU, I believe it is also important to remember and highlight international people of color and their breakthroughs in what was a time of extreme prejudice in our country and our state.

[1] Rdaad, Youssef. “As LSU’s First Black Undergraduate, He Was Forced off Campus. Now He Helps Those Who Came after Him.” The Advocate, October 23, 2020.
[2] Hoffman, Paul E. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1860-1919: A History. p. 374. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2020.
[3] LSU’s Registrar Office. “Letter from LSU’s Registrar to Mr. A.T. Ruan,” September 21, 1915. Box 105, Volume 37, p. 529. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.
[4] Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College. “Gumbo Yearbook, Class of 1920.” Gumbo Yearbook, January 1, 1920.
[5] Hoffman, Paul E. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1860-1919: A History. p. 374. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2020.
[6] LSU’s Registrar Office. “Letter from Registrar to Mr. Hayrambla,” February 17, 1917. Box 105, Volume 39, pg. 754. LSU Office of the Chancellor Records, University Archives.

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