Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century

Student Reflection and Self-Evaluation - Overview

Student Reflection and Self-Evaluation*

Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Learning Objective: Students will engage in a Socratic Seminar to debrief and reflect on their learning experience

Grade Level: K-12

Content/Subject Areas:
Can be adapted for a variety of content areas, as well as a variety of subjects within a content area
 ISTE Student Standards:
Global Collaborator (ISTE 7)​

Task Force Recommendation:
Learner Agency (TFR 1)

SAMR Level: Redefinition

Digital Resource(s) Leveraged:
TodaysMeet, Tablet device

Additional Hashtags: GATE, ELD, CCSS
Mrs. Woodruff's Grade 5 Class

*This exemplar serves as a companion to the “Research and Presentation” exemplar and focuses on the students’ reflections of their learning as part of that lesson

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