Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century


Understanding the Different Ways Humans Affect the Earth

“Look at this beautiful planet!  The most amazing thing is, it gives us everything we need.   Food, cell phones, air,  water,  plastic cars,  everything!  So that is why we are doing a unit on how we are impacting the planet and how we can best take care of it.” - Ethlene Pollak, Science Teacher

Ms. Pollak, the Science teacher at the Frost Middle School Magnet, is beginning the human impact unit on Earth Systems. The students will study different ways humans impact the earth and ways to improve the sustainability of things the earth provides. The earth sustains us in four different ways including the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Through this lesson, students will be able to creatively communicate their point of view of how humans affect the earth. The students will collaborate in creating and presenting their work through the use of Google Slides.


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