Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century


Lesson Activation

This video clip was used to jump-start the lesson by giving students a new perspective of Earth.  Ms. Pollak chose this video because the hourly images provided in it can be used to help scientists study the daily variations of features all over the entire globe, helping us to better understand and protect our home planet.  


Student Presentation Directions

Create a Google Slide presentation answering the following questions:
  1. Title Page (Names, impact and period) 
  2. Define the problem.
  3. Pictures (Before and after or photos of places that have been affected)
  4. Where is this a problem?
  5. Why is it a bad thing?
  6. Identify possible solutions from scientific community.
  7. How can you help in general?


Step 1:

Students select from the Four Spheres: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, or Biosphere.




Step 2:

Students define the problem they would like to study.



Step 3:

Pictures (Before and after or photos of places that have been affected)




Step 4:

Explanation of where this is a problem.


Step 5:

Explanation of why this is a bad thing.


Step 6:

Identify possible solutions from the scientific community. 


Step 7:

How can we help in general?

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