Overcoming' Race with Jazz

Berklee College of Music - The Schillinger House

"Lawrence Berk established the Schillinger House of Music in 1945. Schillinger House would become the Berklee School of Music in 1954, and would begin offering bachelor’s degrees in 1996. In this sense, Schillinger House was not a true college during the first half of the twentieth century, however its origins are. 
Berk began the Schillinger House as a means of teaching the principles of composition and harmony of Joseph Schillinger. Berk was only one of a handful of teachers permitted to teach Schillinger’s method. Schillinger’s system of composition translated musical elements such as harmony melody and rhythm to geometric relationships. The link to his pedagogy and his music is yet unclear. Schillinger’s system for composition was not exclusively jazz based; however many of his students were prominent jazz and commercial composers such as Tommy Dorsey, Geroge Gershwin and Benny Goodman (Burk, James M and Wayne J. Schneider 2015). "

A. First to Offer Credit


Alabama State U, Tennessee State U, Wilbeforce U, North Texas State U, Berklee College of Music, and Los Angeles City College were the first to offer credit for jazz ensembles, improvisation, and arranging  


Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berklee_College_of_Music

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