It's HERO Time: The Best Looking HERO Cards in Yu-Gi-Oh

Masked HERO Dark Law


is livescalar:isLive1
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Version 5

titledcterms:titleMasked HERO Dark Law
descriptiondcterms:descriptionMasked HERO Dark Law is a member of the Masked HERO archetype which is made up entirely of fusion monsters. To make the Masked HEROs you must use another card on this list called Mask Change. To do this you send one HERO you control and send it to the graveyard, then you special summon one Masked HERO of the same attribute from the extra deck. Masked HERO Dark Law has a constant effect which forces all of your opponents cards to be banished if they would be sent to the grave. This effect is considered the best effect in the entire HERO archetype due to the fact that none of your opponents effects that would activate in the graveyard can activate which stops many different strategies. What I like the most about all the Masked HEROs is that they all resemble Kamen Riders and have similar armor. Dark Law is specifically appealing because of his armor theme The armor is meant to resemble a lion which you can see in the mask, the chest plate, and the shoulder pauldrons.
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typedcterms:typeExtra Deck Monster
typedcterms:typeFusion Monster
typedcterms:typeYugioh Card
typedcterms:typeTrading Card
typedcterms:typeMasked HERO
datedcterms:dateJanuary 29, 2015
creatordcterms:creatorKazuki Takahashi

Version 4

titledcterms:titleMasked HERO Dark Law
descriptiondcterms:descriptionMasked HERO Dark Law is a member of the Masked HERO archetype which is made up entirely of fusion monsters. To make the Masked HEROs you must use another card on this list called Mask Change. To do this you send one HERO you control and send it to the graveyard, then you special summon one Masked HERO of the same attribute from the extra deck. Masked HERO Dark Law has a constant effect which forces all of your opponents cards to be banished if they would be sent to the grave. This effect is considered the best effect in the entire HERO archetype due to the fact that none of your opponents effects that would activate in the graveyard can activate which stops many different strategies. What I like the most about all the Masked HEROs is that they all resemble Kamen Riders and have similar armor. Dark Law is specifically appealing because of his armor theme The armor is meant to resemble a lion which you can see in the mask, the chest plate, and the shoulder pauldrons.
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was attributed toprov:wasAttributedTo
typedcterms:typeExtra Deck Monster
typedcterms:typeFusion Monster
typedcterms:typeYugioh Card
typedcterms:typeTrading Card
typedcterms:typeMasked HERO

Version 3

titledcterms:titleMasked HERO Dark Law
descriptiondcterms:descriptionMasked HERO Dark Law is a member of the Masked HERO archetype which is made up entirely of fusion monsters. To make the Masked HEROs you must use another card on this list called Mask Change. To do this you send one HERO you control and send it to the graveyard, then you special summon one Masked HERO of the same attribute from the extra deck. Masked HERO Dark Law has a constant effect which forces all of your opponents cards to be banished if they would be sent to the grave. This effect is considered the best effect in the entire HERO archetype due to the fact that none of your opponents effects that would activate in the graveyard can activate which stops many different strategies. What I like the most about all the Masked HEROs is that they all resemble Kamen Riders and have similar armor. Dark Law is specifically appealing because of his armor theme The armor is meant to resemble a lion which you can see in the mask, the chest plate, and the shoulder pauldrons.
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was attributed toprov:wasAttributedTo
typedcterms:typeFusion Monster
typedcterms:typeExtra Deck Monster
typedcterms:typeYugioh Card
typedcterms:typeTrading Card
typedcterms:typeMasked HERO