Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18

Questions for Peppe Voltarelli - Protagonist of the film The True Legend of Tony Vilar

Dear all,

please edit this page to post your 2 questions for Peppe Voltarelli about his role in the film and more (i.e. his career, his projects etc). Make sure you sign your name after the questions so you can be identified. Please do not repeat questions that have already been asked!

1) Where did you go to school? (Clarissa)

2) What is your favorite venue to play in Italy? (Clarissa)

3) What made you choose to create a mockumentary, a style that is not very common in film. (Olivia)

4) Is there any personal connections to the characters in the film? Did you base anything off your own experiences? (Olivia)

5) What steps did you have to take to become a filmmaker? Did you gain success through school, personal connections, or both? (TJ)

6) I have heard many negative things about the entertainment industry and how poorly actors and other entertainers are treated before reaching fame. To what extent do you find this true? (TJ)

7) What was a challenge you faced while filming a mockumentary, and how did you overcome it? (Mariel)

8) Out of all the projects you were involved in, which is the most memorable and why? (Mariel)

9) What made you choose to incorporate a dream in your film? (Alexa)

10) What was the most challenging portion of your film process? (Alexa)

11) What is your favorite aspect of working in the entertainment industry? (Dana)

12) Did you always think you would go in to the industry? If not, what was your career goal growing up? (Dana)

13) How was your life after the film? Are you still acting and performing right now? (Veronica)

14) How did your love for playing music and singing start? (Veronica)

15) What were you hoping the audience would take away from the film about Italian culture? (Sydney)

16) Which character was your favorite in the film? Why? (Sydney)

17) As brought up in the film, if you could describe Italians in America in three words, what would they be? (Jasmine)

18) Do you feel as if the different genres of music helped the development of the film? (Jasmine)

19) Due to the connection to Italy that Argentina has through migration, was it easy to adapt to the culture while there filming? (Lorenzo)

20) Is there any part of your film that you wish you could change? If so what would you do differently? (Lorenzo)

21) How big of an influence would you say Tony Vilar has had in your own songwriting? Who else has had a large impact? (Jason)

22) What was your vision behind including scenes performed like a musical within the film? (Jason)

23) What do you feel like are the main differences between classic Italian and classic American films? How do you feel like this film compares to either? (Kaeli)

24) How did you hope that your film would affect the world/community/audience? (Kaeli)

25) What do you think is the most significant part of the film? (Dillyn)

26) Do you still keep in touch with the characters of this film? (Dillyn)

27) Would you say that the Italian personas portrayed in the film are accurate or more exaggerated? (Charli)

28) Has this movie changed your own life in any way? (Charli)

29) Did you find you were doing a lot of acting for the film or were the scenes naturally shot? (Jessica)

30) Was it ever awkward shooting scenes of the film considering you had never met these people before? (Jessica)

31) What effect have different forms of migration had on your life? (Sierra)

32) Were there other films done in this mockumentary style that inspired you to create your own film in this style? (Sierra)

33) When in your life did you discover that you wanted to become a singer? (Naomi)

34) What motivated you to be the main protagonist in The True Legend of Tony Vilar? (Naomi)

35) What prompted you to start looking for this story in the first place? (Megan)

36) If you had to choose only one industry, would it be music or film? (Megan)

37) What was the public's reaction to the film when it was first released? (Analise)

38) What was the inspiration for including the flash dance scenes in the film? (Analise)

39) What was your biggest personal struggle during the film-making process? (Dipali)

40) How do you think this film compares to other mockumentary style films from around the same time? (Dipali)

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