Italian Migrations - HONOR313_FA18


Roman architecture has surpassed the empire from which it came, in the sense that it is an art form withstanding centuries worth critique – since the 9th to 13th century roughly. Some prominent characteristics of this architectural style include: domes, arches, columns, and more. This is an architectural style that not only inspired surrounding countries in its time, but also grew to have a lasting impact all around the globe. Roman architecture would not have spread so rapidly or extensively had it not been for migration. These ideas grew and spread throughout Italy with the help of internal migration – as in Rocco and His Brothers in which the family migrates from Southern Italy to Northern Italy, then to neighboring European countries, and lastly all over the world with the help of overseas migration. Roman architecture is not only an art form that originated in Italy, it is a piece of the nation’s rich culture.


London's Natural History Museum - London United Kingdom
The Pantheon - Paris, France
Brandenburg Gate - Berlin, Germany
Galata Tower - Istanbul, Turkey
The White House

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