INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

The Role of Government in Disaster Response and Recovery

Both Haiti and Chile have a history of having a major scale earthquake, and until now there will always be a potential for the next earthquake that would hit both countries anytime. In order to reduce the casualties the involvement of the government is very important. Many experts and scientists compare on how both countries react and handle the earthquake. The chilean earthquake that happened in 2010 was 900 stronger than the 2010 Haiti earthquake, however the casualties were pretty low compared to Haiti. Although the epicenter of the Chilean earthquake was miles from civilization, the Chilean government still can manage the earthquake and reduce the casualties to only 525 people. Not only the 2010 earthquake, any other earthquake after 1960 in Chile caused pretty low casualties compared to Haiti. One of the reasons why Chile seems prepared is because they are learning from their mistakes and making sure they won’t do the same mistakes all over again. After 1960, the Chilean government focused on big infrastructure changes to the building.

In the article by, it was explained that after the 1960 earthquake, the Chilean government developed the strict anti-seismic building code. Because earthquakes do not damage if there is nothing to damage, the government applied the strict anti-seismic building code in order to prevent or at least reduce the chances of buildings being destroyed during the earthquake. After the 2010 earthquake, the Chilean government tweaked and updated the building code so it can withstand a seismic wave during a tsunami. Other than that, one of the important aspects that a country should focus on in order to prevent any further casualties during a natural disaster is a great communication system. The Chilean director of the Internal Displacement monitoring center named Alfredo Zamudio recalled one of the mistakes that caused death after the tsunami was the late communication and information by the official, so the people won’t have enough time to evacuate. After the earthquake, the Chilean government invested more on devices that can help to detect earthquakes and tsunamis better and more accurately. 

Not only on technology, the Chilean government also focuses on implementing a cultural preparedness program so the Chilean people will be familiar with all the earthquake procedures, and if the event happens the people will be ready. From student and also professional, an earthquake drill is implemented in the institution. The Chilean government also focused on developing a disaster risk reduction program so they can assess any disaster related matter as soon as possible so it will reduce any unwanted casualties. On the other hand, there were many things that the Haitian government needed to reevaluate in order to have a better response and recovery in the occurrence of natural disasters.  

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