INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context


In 2010, both Haiti and Chile experienced a devastating natural disaster. On January 12, 2010, around 16.50 pm, a massive earthquake and tsunami with 7.0 Mw struck Haiti. It was catastrophic and it took 250,000 Haitian lives. The epicenter of the earthquake was near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 kilometers away from the capital city of Haiti, Port-au-Prince. A month after the Haiti earthquake, Chile experienced even a bigger and more monstrous earthquake. On 27 February 2010, an 8.8 Mw earthquake struck Chile. Although from the magnitude scale the Chilean earthquake was bigger, the casualties that it caused was fewer than Haiti, there were 525 victims and 25 people missing.Despite it was a devastating event in the history of the world, I found that this nation scale disaster can be used as a tool for comparing the both country's economic and political situation.

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