INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

Immigration to Brazil

What would make Haitians migrate to Brazil?

The 2010 Earthquake in Haiti displaced over a million Haitians and over 220,000 people were killed, with over 3 million affected overall. (Benet) Haitians had no other option than to leave their homes to find refuge in other neighboring countries. Brazil being the spearhead of helping Haiti during this crisis has taken in over 85,000 Haitians into the country. Today, Brazil currently has about 143,000 Haitian migrants living in Brazil. Haitians had been migrating to Brazil even before the earthquake for the pursuit of a better life. Brazil in more recent years has become more politically and economically corrupt, leaving Haitians open to exploitation and a poorer way of life. Haitian migrants are now looking at the possibility of trying to get into the United States from Brazil, still in their pursuit of a better life. 

Since the 2010 Earthquake Haitians have been dispersed throughout the world into neighboring countries for refuge and a better life. One of the main reasons Brazil was an easy choice for Haitians to move to was because of MINUSTAH. Brazil was the spearhead in helping Haiti after the earthquake. Brazil wanted to get more involved on an international scale, proving its importance and worth. Brazil back in 2010 was ranked number 7 in the world or GDP, helping Haiti would only add to being a bigger player on the international field. Brazil has a long-standing history of friendship with Haiti and has provided critical support in peace-keeping and security efforts over the past years. Haiti and the international community will also benefit from Brazil’s vast development experience in the planning and implementation of reconstruction. We all look forward to Brazil's contributions in shaping the HRF into an effective mechanism for investing in a more prosperous future for the Haitian people,” added Zoellick."(World Bank)

Brazil's current state of infrastructure is in decline. They have cities that resemble much of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, where there are shanty towns stacked on top of one another while the middle class and elites have space and prosperity. In more recent years the international community has been giving Brazil some advice on how to best go about fixing its infrastructure. 

Brazil infrastructure Brazil is a key part of why many Haitians are leaving Brazil now. Haitians are now looking to travel to the United States in hope of a better life. In order for Brazil to maintain its people as well as its Haitians, there needs to be an investment in infrastructure and public works. 


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