Heroism and Rebellion

The World Wide Web

Fisheye Placebo takes place in a parallel world where everything is done online. Society is separated into a rigid class system. The comic even references a literal wall that was once put up in between the slums and the city. Although the wall is officially "taken down", large chunks of the wall still remain, literally and figuratively segregating the rich and the poor.

Within the world of the wealthy, most things of interest happen on the internet. The government has The Great Firewall, a massive blocker on all things "very violent and/or very erotic". In reality, it means that all dissenting political opinions are blocked from the public. Many citizens possess the ability to get around the system, but most of them spend their time on menial things instead of the blatant censorship endemic to their society. Vance is the perfect example of the complacent citizen - he can scale The Great Firewall, but he spends all his time looking at porn. He lives his life on the dark corners of the internet, but spends all his time on petty things.

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