Herbarium: Medicinal Plants as Information

Exploring the Sages: Artemisia Californica and Salvia Apiana

In line with the UCLA Botanical Garden, UCLA Herbarium, and Materia Medica Viscum album, our project aims to investigate the similarities, differences, and medicinal properties of sages. Both Artemisia Californica and Salvia apiana were observed in all three spaces. These plants play important roles in maintaining the growth of their local ecosystems with similar habitats. Our project outlines the collection, observation, translation, classification, historical context, and uses of these plants. Our individual pages will serve as a deep dive into each plant, while the main page will highlight the similarities and differences between the two, as well as big picture ideas such as advancements in research. Common themes we plan to highlight include similarities in medicinal properties, physical similarities such as size/shape/appearance/etc., and historical significance.

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