Coptis Trifolia
1 2022-02-25T11:23:52-08:00 Mariah_Ghodrat_Three-leaf Goldthread 27b9afa8f7290e32b44e9d7be679c16c0575e046 40021 4 plain 2022-02-25T11:25:32-08:00 CCH2- LA Herbarium May 30, 1930 Ranunculaceae Coptis Plantae Coptis Trifolia Swamp in Zurich, NY 43.144872 -77.057384 +-500m Mariah_Ghodrat_Three-leaf Goldthread 27b9afa8f7290e32b44e9d7be679c16c0575e046Contents of this path:
- 1 media/view.jpeg 2022-02-23T11:27:56-08:00 Neha Shetty a3a6cc6d9c1c75b477ae8cc6996064c5f66f7e53 Antiseptics in Nature: An exploratory analysis of Coptis trifolia and Larrea tridentata 61 The following research studies common properties of plants used as potential antiseptic medicinal use. Explained more in depth later on, the first page introduces the plant Coptis trifolia, and its common characteristics with a similar plant, Thalictrum fendleri. The second page studies Larrea Tridentata found at the UCLA Herbarium and its living species at the UCLA Botanical Garden. The pages also examine other species found at the UCLA Botanical Garden, with references of possible characteristics which may allude to the specificity and uniqueness of the plants and objects. These three species studied share a common use as an antiseptic. - By Neha Shetty, Simran Athwal, Mariah Ghodrat, Madeline Huttie, and Liam Kordmahale-Izaddoust structured_gallery 2022-03-11T09:30:07-08:00 Madeline Huttie ed37d79b143b74ce4a1679ca7e866298243829f6