HAVC 135B : German Art 1905-1945

Grading and Assignments

Grading and Assignments​
Each student is required to complete three written assignments and one Reading Journal.
Without exception, all requirements must be completed in order to pass the course. Your participation and attendance will also impact your grade.
Students who average a C-, D+, D, or D- will PASS, but will not receive credit for general education or major requirements and the course will not satisfy prerequisites.
A) 3 Written Assignments: 75% of final grade
Written assignments are each worth 20 – 30% of your final grade.
All written assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. Any assignments turned in at the end of class will be considered one-day late. No e-mail submissions will be accepted without a valid medical or family excuse.
Specific details regarding each prompt will be distributed and discussed at the beginning of each unit.

B) Reading Journal:   25% of final grade
Your Reading Journal consists of reflective writing (not note-taking) based on the required readings for each course meeting. The Reading Journal is worth 25% of your final grade. Participation factors significantly into your Reading Journal grade.
Your Reading Journal should help prepare you for your writing assignments. Bear in mind the assignment prompt, as well as the unit’s Guiding Questions as you read.
For each READING JOURNAL entry, please include the following: 
In addition, for each CLASS MEETING please write one or more questions or ideas that you will be willing to share in class discussion.
There is no page requirement. Your Reading Journal may be in digital form. Be prepared to submit your Reading Journal with each written assignment.
In the event of an absence, your reading journal will be accepted WITHOUT a late penalty.

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