Global Stories- Nyathigi


I have been struggling to keep up with the work but I fully accept that is my own fault. When I do take the time to catch up with the work I find it interesting and I enjoy the freedom to include topics personal to me in my work. The class dynamics are interesting they do genuinely feel like a discussion and I feel like I haven't taken advantage of that space and resigned to a back seat. Sometimes when using the annotation software for the weekly readings I feel like my contributions might come across as low effort. I'm sure students often come to similar conclusions. However seeing someone else's comment and it's almost the same as the thought i had, make's me worry that it would be pointless to say something similar or add a "I was thinking the same thing" comment. The grade distribution is intimidating and I worry about doing worse in one portion and ruining my chances in this class. In all honesty I think the reflection is the only time during these assignments that I'm not working on auto pilot and completing a task to an acceptable standard. I have to slow down and actually think about how I feel. I also worry about what's expected from these, should I lie? Should i be blatantly honest about how pessimistic I feel? Are these graded based on the word count or the participation or the amount I share? I'm writing this reflection late and it's strange trying to write about the point in the semester without inserting my current emotions on this reflection. I will say, the flexible submission in this class has been a positive. I actually feel like things might be possible if i don't get too lax (sadly I did).

When I think about what I want to get out of the class I'm not exactly sure. I feel like when I pose the same question about my college degree I come up blank. At this point when I think about the rest of the assignments I feel scared. I feel like all the presentations of digital stories I've seen have been extremely personal. I have no story to share and it's intimidating feeling like the lack of seriousness of whatever I present might hurt my grade. I also feel like my hobbies are rarely studied in academic circles making it seem hard to purse a topic in those. At this point I should try and figure out a schedule for myself. Time management has never been a strong suit of mine and I worry I will fall into the same pitfalls that continuously follow me. 

I'd like to add in a comic but Sarah Anderson who is an illustrator and cartoonist from the United States. I find them very funny and often a little to relatable. I feel like this comic might describe how I felt at this time.


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