Global Stories- Nyathigi

First reflection

I consider myself and open person and came into this class with no expectations or prior knowledge about the class or digital storytelling. My interactions with the digital storytelling have mostly consisted of mindless consumption of the field. I am excited to learn more about digital storytelling so I can share my experience with the people around me. I enjoy sharing the things I learn in class with the people in my life and the connections I have to the topics I learn. 

I am intimidated by the idea of sharing my work in this class as the semester progresses. I don't have very good time management skills and my work often evolves throughout the semester if i'm given the opportunity to return my work. Even though the class is online I've always found discussion intimidating for fear I might not contribute as well as my peers. However I am open to trying more to involve myself in the class dynamics and share what I can. 

The learning outcomes for this class seem attainable and I am excited to dig through the reading material assigned this semester. Learning how to analyse digital storytelling also seems interesting. However I am not excited to use Voice thread due to issues I have had in the past with the website and submit times. I am also not excited to use scalar, the idea of learning how to use a completely new software is intimidating and I do wish more familiar services could be used to submit work through the semester. With the learning outcomes in mind I do understand why Scalar was chosen for its collaborative nature and i will do my best to adjust to this change.