Day 1 Schedule
Tuesday, May 21
9:30: Registration/ Coffee
10:00: Welcome and general overview of the project
- Introductions of core project team
- Discuss agenda of 2-day workshop
- Objectives of the workshop
- Different elements/ activities
- Overview of project
- Introduction of times lines
- Intro regional / gender advisors
- Introduction of keynote
11:00: “Gendered Innovations – where its been and ideas of where its going”
Keynote by Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University (virtual)
11:30: Question Period & Open Discussion
12:00: LUNCH
1:00: Focused circulating discussions among key participants on the proposed objectives, core concepts and central research question(s) of the project, organized across four different topics/ tables (groups to circulate every 20 minutes)
Central Questions for Each Table:
- How can Design contribute towards Gendered Innovation?
- Possible problems, dangers or pitfalls?
- Best practices?
- What approaches and/or definitions of Gendered Innovation would be best applied to this project?
- Are there some regional considerations to be taken into account? How can they be addressed?
- Possible problems, dangers or pitfalls?
- Best practices?
- How might researchers from the Global South contribute to or reshape Gendered Innovation as it has been conceived?
- Possible problems, dangers or pitfalls?
- Are there some regional considerations that we are aware of which need to be taken into account? How can they be addressed?
- Best practices?
- How might I best apply my own expertise, knowledge and resources to this project?
- Which kind of contribution can I bring?
- Possible problems, dangers or pitfalls?
- Best practices?
- How can interdisciplinary work be fostered /supported throughout the process?
- How might I incorporate / make best use of graduate student RA-ships?
2:30: Refreshment break
2:45: Knowledge synthesis: each table facilitator(s) communicates to larger group what the different tables came up with during first half of afternoon discussion
3:20: KJ Technique exercise [proceed in silence]: Everyone given time to think about / write on sticky notes and post to different boards as they relate to the different sectors. Each board is to have the following headings:
What concepts/ issues/ challenges need to be considered when fostering Gendered Innovation through Design to:
- Transport/ mobility
- Renewable energy
- Manufacturing
- Housing, built Environment & Public Space
- Infrastructure
- Accessibility (cross cutting)
3:40: Analysis and synthesis of each board: visible patterns, common themes, how sectors relate to one another.
4:30: Conclusion