Gaming and Linguistics


After collecting data for both games by screen shots and video each of the features (shorthand/codes, profanity, and emojis) are counted and compared. Each game with its own social community showed that these features has its roles to play within the communities’ communication. Upon observation, these features can point out those who are veterans to the gaming community and have gained the knowledge for virtual power through their communication.
            In WoW, the shorthand/codes are vast compared to TF2 but are used quite frequently in every aspect of the game. In dungeons and raids where combat is constant each player must be able to communicate quickly to succeed. Because these are areas in the game where everyone must be fast paced the codes come in handy but to those new to the game they might feel left out. Codes that are used often in these matches are rezz (resurrection), dps (damage per second), and ty (thank you).  Within the general chat and guild there most often used shorthand/codes for places, gear, weapons, and everyday codes used for texting. For example, dala (dalaran), lf tank (looking for a tank, someone who can take a lot of damage), and atm (at the moment). The emojis was used in every chat.
            This community’s rule about profanity sets a limit to the use of it, a player can not spell out the whole word. Players will use all symbols, 1 letter with symbols, or 2 or more letters with symbols. It shows throughout each chat to express aggravation or anger. As a social community that has a large community those who know the appropriate behaviors in the game hold the power of speech in that moment.
In TF2 the features shorthand/codes are not as vast as WoW but most are unique to the game. The codes for in game chat for quick commands that help a play are already hot keyed like Spy to warn teammates that there is a spy in the area, or Medic to ask for healing. These seemed to be helpful, but over use like spamming the key can get annoying over time. In these games, players want to work as a team to succeed but as a social community one must fit in.
Profanity is frowned upon in most social communities, without the strict rules like those in WoW, there is more room for usage. Most players with stick to the social norms like that in the usage found in WoW, but few will be so bold as to spell the whole profanity out to make a point and dominate the conversation. Another could report them, but in a said incidence nothing was put into motion. Besides profanity to express emotion this community also used emojis in the similar way as WoW.

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